On the eighth day of law-mas the guls gazette gave to me
Eight obscure World records held by legal professionals:
Edward St. John: creating the world's largest human image of a coffee cup
Michael Schwartz: the most words typed in one minute on a manual typewriter (216 words)
John Whitehurst: the fastest time to solve a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube blindfolded.
Herve Filion: the most harness racing wins by a driver. He amassed over 15,000 wins during his career.
Bill Wattenburg: the longest continuous on-air broadcast by an individual.
Denis Fung: the most number of legal documents issued by a court in a day. He was part of a team that processed over 2,200 court documents in 24 hours.
Stella Chen: A lawyer and violinist who held a world record for the most tetrachords played in a minute on a violin
Thomas Carmody: the fastest circumnavigation of the globe by scheduled flights . He completed his journey in 68 hours, 33 minutes, and 38 seconds
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash